The impressive ground-floor dining hall was decorated with heavy oil paintings of philosophers from the Scottish Enlightenment and beautiful stained-glass windows, and there was always a cooked breakfast available. Every morning he and his friends sat in the same place, next to the head table, where a crimson throne and 18 seats were reserved for the wardens and deans. Within weeks William was bold enough to invite her to join him. Often Kate would go running before breakfast and arrive at the dining hall just before breakfast was over. She was shy and quieter than the other girls, which William liked, and he looked forward to their meetings. Kate Middleton had been crowned the prettiest girl at Sally’s by the end of freshman week. He had noticed her as soon as he arrived. As he bounded down the stairwell with his folders in his hands, William would often bump into the same brunette, who happened to have the same major. Salvator’s is one of the university’s 11 halls of residence and is split into male and female living quarters. The prince soon set about making friends. He could walk down the street without being bothered and shop at the local Tesco grocery store. The media had agreed with the Palace to leave the prince in peace after he granted the world’s press a brief interview and photo call the day he arrived. William wanted to be treated the same as everyone else, and at St.

He settled in quickly, and although the town’s 16,000 residents were initially inquisitive, they soon left him alone.

Salvator’s Hall, his home for the next year, on the crisp morning of September 23, 2001. Andrews, which is considered one of the best in the United Kingdom, appealed to the prince, who was keen to postpone royal engagements for as long as possible. His father, his uncle Edward, and his great-grandfather King George VI had all attended Cambridge, but the four-year history-of-art course at St. Andrews, Scotland’s oldest university, 50 miles north of Edinburgh. While members of the royal family have traditionally gone to Oxford or Cambridge, Prince William was set on breaking 150 years of tradition by going to St. Like I’m getting married-though that’s what it feels like sometimes.-Prince William I want to go there and be an ordinary student. I just want to go to university and have fun.